At the present time, it has become a topic of discussion, which is more appropriate? a representative elected by a party or an independently elected representative in the parliament representing the people of the country?
This is a matter to be considered. After the creation of the first constitution in 2004, Nepal has been practicing how the role of people and representatives should be in the governance system.
From 2004 to the current Constitution of Nepal (2072), many governmental systems have changed.
Monarchy system of government, multi-party, independent, and unitary, and now it has reached a federal system of government. In which system is the demand of the people met? Is it only an independent representative or a party representative?
In the democratic system adopted by Nepal at present, the people are at the center and the government is done by the party representatives chosen by the people.
The Party system is the heart of democracy, although people are not happy with it. For this reason, it has been seen that Nepalese people have given more preference to independent candidates in the elections of local, representative, and state assembly members this time.
Is it really because of the party or because of a particular person that the people are not satisfied with?
Chandra Prasad Kafle, who lives in Dharan sub-metropolitan city-5, says, “If there is no party representation in a democratic country, democracy will not exist, so there should be a party system. But only because of some representatives, the existence of the party system has come to an end. In a government with only independents, more disharmony and conflict may arise. ”
What is understood in this way is that there should be a party system, but the right person should be nominated and selected from the party, and only then will democracy succeed.
Is it not possible to govern only by independent representatives?
It is very difficult to find the answer. Nepal has not seen such a situation till now. If such a situation occurs, it can happen.
“The party that introduces the country on the international stage is the one that has long-term thinking and goals. It is the party that has relations with the parties of other countries and is focused on working to benefit their country. But independent candidates are different people from each region, with different ideas. Even if it is right for a particular person, they may not be approved to make a single decision in the parliament. Nor after being elected, who will be the prime minister and who will be in the opposition? That is also not clear.” says Chandra Prasad Kafle.
Actually, in democracy, party representatives are divided into two camps. The first government party is the second opposition party. The ruling party forms the government and administers the government, while the opposition warns against the wrong steps of the government through parliamentary proceedings. But independent representatives may not see that.
What can be concluded from this is that:-
• There should be a party system to preserve democracy
• The party should focus on addressing the voice of the people and not on personal interests.
• There should be an independent candidate because it shows the public that they have no faith in any party and also creates a challenge to the parties and gives them a chance to correct their mistakes.
• No person in the representative should be young or old. There must be a personality that can represent only thoughts and ideas.
• As the people elect their representatives through elections and send them to the government, if they fail to act accordingly, there should be a system to recall them through no-confidence, etc.
What kind of leadership is appropriate? Youth or Old?
There is no solid reason to say that it is better than this, not related to age. What kind of person is this? What do you think about society and development? It is a related topic. A person is not wrong because of his age, a person is known as wrong or right according to his thoughts and actions. Apart from this, the topic of how he originated in politics is also very important. People complain that “politics and gangsterism are the same” in this matter.
Even though they are elderly representatives, they have both thoughts and experiences. But it is not fair to say that he is good because of this. Because even though they have experience, they are walking by adopting the same thought that people don’t like to accept. On the other hand, young people have both ideas and energy, but no experience, so they are unable to implement their ideas. On the other hand, the partisan pressure of political parties with different lines also prevents people from acting.
By pondering over this topic in this way, it can be concluded that:-
- No person in the representative should be young or old. There must be a personality that can represent only thoughts and ideas.
- The experienced should transfer their experience to the younger generation.
Local level elections of Nepal 2079 elected representatives:-
In the recent second local level election, it was seen that the voters are dissatisfied and angry with the old party, the working style of their top leaders, and the party candidates who were given tickets in the election. From the perspective of democracy is limited to the party system, party system to factional system, factional system to leadership system, leadership system to family system, and family system to robbery system, it was natural that the voter’s trust in the parties was weak, but few people expected that the tide of dissatisfaction has risen to the point where party candidates can be defeated and independent candidates can win.
At such a time voters had limited options. One of those options was to choose an independent candidate. The distaste for traditional parties, the increased representation of new and alternative parties, and the limited number of party candidates due to the five-party alliance created a favorable atmosphere for independent candidates. New, special, or unique events in history are expressed through a beautiful combination of regularity and contingency. This time, the side of independent candidates was such a natural combination. Although it was an ‘undercurrent’, not everyone was getting it.
Now, the victory of the independents can be considered positive in the sense that it is a challenge for the reform of the party’s weakness. So far it is right, it is an incident within the space of democracy. However, if this becomes the basic trend, it will return to independence through partylessness and along with it, some kind of dictatorship may also emerge, no one should ignore this point.
स्वस्थ प्रतिस्पर्धाको खाचो छ
Party system is the heart of democratic country. 😵