The government has suggested consulting for temporary and permanent sterilization to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

The National Health Education, Information and Communication Center under the Ministry of Health and Population has urged women to use family planning tools that they think are appropriate after taking proper consultation and avoiding unwanted pregnancies.

Permanent sterilization services include male sterilization and female sterilization.

The information center said that if there is a problem or query related to family planning, you can contact the free helpline number.

Similarly, the Nepal government and related agencies are operating a helpline service for counseling and information related to safe motherhood and newborn care family planning, safe abortion and reproductive health, the information center said.

Helpline Service: –

Mary Stops: 1143, NTC and ncell users can be contacted from 7 am to 12 pm.

– Nepal Family Planning Association: 16600145000, for NTC users can be contacted from 7 am to 7 pm.

-Sister Mamta on IVR service NTC: 16600100455 The information center said that Ncell number 9801572020 can be contacted.

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